
CorionX (CORX) est une crypto-monnaie prometteuse qui a attiré l'attention des investisseurs en raison de ses caractéristiques uniques et de ses objectifs ambitieux. Dans cet article, nous allons nous pencher sur l'objectif de CORX, sa fonction au sein de l'écosystème CorionX et les raisons pour lesquelles elle est devenue une opportunité d'investissement potentielle.

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HurricaneSwap Token (HCT) est un jeton utilitaire de finance décentralisée (DeFi) qui alimente l'écosystème HurricaneSwap. Il permet aux utilisateurs de s'engager dans diverses activités financières, notamment l'échange de jetons, la fourniture de liquidités et l'obtention de récompenses.

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Le projet Algorand est une plateforme blockchain révolutionnaire qui vise à résoudre les problèmes fondamentaux qui affligent les crypto-monnaies traditionnelles. Porté par la vision de Silvio Micali, cryptographe lauréat du prix Turing, Algorand cherche à fournir une solution blockchain sécurisée, évolutive et efficace.

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Dernières nouvelles

SourceStatistics Canada (latest release)
MeasuresPercentage of available resources being utilized by manufacturers, builders, mines, oil extractors, and utilities;
Usual Effect'Actual' greater than 'Forecast' is good for currency;
FrequencyReleased quarterly, about 75 days after the quarter ends;
Next ReleaseDec 13, 2024
Why Traders
It's a leading indicator of consumer inflation - when producers are nearing full capacity they respond by raising prices, and the higher costs are usually passed on to the consumer;
Also CalledIndustrial Capacity Utilization Rate;

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SourceEurostat (latest release)
MeasuresChange in the total inflation-adjusted value of output produced by manufacturers, mines, and utilities;
Usual Effect'Actual' greater than 'Forecast' is good for currency;
FrequencyReleased monthly, about 45 days after the month ends;
Next ReleaseOct 15, 2024
FF NotesTends to have a relatively mild impact because Germany and France, which account for about half of the Eurozone's economy, release earlier production data;
Why Traders
It's a leading indicator of economic health - production reacts quickly to ups and downs in the business cycle and is correlated with consumer conditions such as employment levels and earnings;
Also CalledIndustrial Output;

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SourceBank of England (latest release)
MeasuresPercentage that consumers expect the price of goods and services to change during the next 12 months;
Usual Effect'Actual' greater than 'Forecast' is good for currency;
FrequencyReleased quarterly, about 20 days after the survey is conducted;
Next ReleaseDec 13, 2024
Why Traders
Expectations of future inflation can manifest into real inflation, primarily because workers tend to push for higher wages when they believe prices will rise;
Derived ViaSurvey of about 2,200 consumers, conducted by Ipsos, which asks respondents where they expect prices to be 12 months in the future;
Also CalledBOE/Ipsos Inflation Attitudes Survey, Median Inflation Expectations;
Acro ExpandBank of England (BOE);

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SourceINSEE (latest release)
MeasuresChange in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers;
Usual Effect'Actual' greater than 'Forecast' is good for currency;
FrequencyReleased monthly, about 13 days after the month ends;
Next ReleaseOct 10, 2024
FF NotesThe 'Previous' listed is the 'Actual' from the Preliminary release and therefore the 'History' data will appear unconnected. There are 2 versions of CPI released about 15 days apart - Preliminary and Final. The Preliminary release, which the source first reported in Jan 2016, is the earliest and thus tends to have the most impact. This is one of the few non-seasonally adjusted numbers reported on the calendar, as it's the primary calculation for this indicator;
Acro ExpandConsumer Price Index (CPI);

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SourceMETI (latest release)
MeasuresChange in the total inflation-adjusted value of output produced by manufacturers, mines, and utilities;
Usual Effect'Actual' greater than 'Forecast' is good for currency;
FrequencyReleased monthly, about 45 days after the month ends;
Next ReleaseOct 14, 2024
FF NotesThe 'Previous' listed is the 'Actual' from the Preliminary release and therefore the 'History' data will appear unconnected. There are 2 versions of this indicator released about 15 days apart - Preliminary and Revised. The Preliminary release is the earliest and thus tends to have the most impact;
Why Traders
It's a leading indicator of economic health - production reacts quickly to ups and downs in the business cycle and is correlated with consumer conditions such as employment levels and earnings;

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